Masters Program Economics in Heidelberg

If you are interested in the masters program in Heidelberg, there are a few things you should regard. First of all as the Economics Master is aiming to prepare you for academic work in an international environment lectures and seminars are strictly given in English. Another important thing for any masters program is the fields of research. Herein you might choose lectures to further specialize your knowledge. At the AWI those specializations are the areas of Environmental Economics (With the Research Centre for Environmental Economics nearby), International Economics (with emphasis on Development Economics) and Quantative and Experimental Economics (with emphasis on Econometrics and Behavioral Economics).The Master extends over the course of four semesters of which the fourth is dedicated to write the Master Thesis. Teaching is organized according to the guide you can find here (only in German) on the website (pdf-file) of the Institute.

The red part is compulsory. Here you have to visit Micro- and Macroeconomics as well as Math, Econometrics and Public Economics (Public Finance). In the yellow area you have to choose freely within all courses of the optional sector. Which courses you can visit differs every semester. You can find them in the Course Overview.

Other interesting features include the possibility to spend the third semester abroad via ERASMUS or other exchange programs and of course the huge variety of faculties at the University which allow for a lot of interdisciplinary prospects. For more and general information on the Masters Program either check the university homepage or contact the academic advisors Marcus Padberg.

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