
This page summarizes the content from the other pages of this website in English.

Welcome! We are the “Fachschaft”, the student council for all Economics students Bachelor`s and Master`s.

If you are interested to learn more about the “Fachschaft” click here.

Important information:

  1. Under the section „Altklausuren“ you can find old exams which you can use to practice
  2. We recommend you to sign up for the Econlist newsletter. It is a newsletter from our institute which informs about upcoming events. Follow the link to subscribe   AWI-ECONLIST Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (
  3. The Module Handbook (“Modulhandbuch”) lists all courses and a short description as well as an overview of a recommended study plan.

Bachelor: download (

Master: download (

Many Questions can be answered by reading these documents.

With further questions we listed some contact addresses for different kinds of questions. The overview aims to help you find the fitting contact for your question.

Support Offers Overview

Dezernat Int. Beziehungen Abteilung 7.2: Beratung und Betreuung ausländischer Studierender und Wissenschaftler – Universität Heidelberg (

⇒ Acute financial support, support during your thesis (You apply for the support for one semester)

Graduation Completion grant for international students – University Heidelberg (

  • foreigners’ registration office: 

⇒ renew residence permit (non-EU/EWR students)

Visa Regulations for International Students – University Heidelberg (

University Website

Career Service/ high skills

Subject Coordinators Economics

We are concerned with you feeling welcome and safe at all our events. Therefore, at events or party’s there are people trained to support you. The concepts to support your safety are called Awareness concepts.


The university has the following offices that deal with students concerns about racism or discrimination:

You can contact them if you experienced or encountered discrimination or if you have questions

Anti-Discrimination Studierendenrat der Universität Heidelberg – AntiRa (Antirassismus-Referat) (

Queerreferat (for all gender related discrimination) Studierendenrat der Universität Heidelberg – Queerreferat (

Referat for international students Studierendenrat der Universität Heidelberg – Internationale Studierende (

Psycho-Social counseling  Psycho-social counseling for students (PCS) | Studierendenwerk Heidelberg AöR (

The City offers immediate telephone support: (The names of the support offers are in German, but you can also talk to them in English)

Telefonseelsorge : ⇒ duty of confidentiality Tel: 0800 1110111

Heimwegtelefon ⇒ Someone to talk to when you are on your way back home at night Tel:03012074182

Nightline: Willkommen · Nightline Heidelberg (

Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen: ⇒ helpline violence against women Tel: 0800 116016

Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Männer: ⇒ helpline violence against men Tel: 0800 1239900

Frauennachttaxi HD: ⇒ 6 Euros for a ride home anywhere within Heidelberg (female only) Tel: 06221 302030

-> Sign up once than and get a taxi ride for 6 euros, within the city borders of Heidelberg:

  • Sign up at the city hall or registration authority (Bürgeramt)
  • The offer is available between 22 and 6 to get home safe from party’s
  • You have to have your ID
  • Call Tel: 06221 302030 to get the taxi


Meet new people

  • Buddy Program Buddy Programm Anmeldung (
  • Fachschaft events e.g. Master-Frühstück, Sommerfest- Bergheim, Excursion @fs.vwl.heidelberg
  • Erasmus Student Network, e.g. Trip to Berlin, Christmas Market, Bowling Night @esn_heidelberg 

Food spot recommendations

  • Marstall Uni Heidelberg
  • Mahmoods (old town, Bergheim)

More authentic Asian food:

Korean Restaurants:

  • Soban Kornmarkt 2
  • Restaurant Korea Heiliggeiststraße 3
  • Restaurant ON Haspelgasse 4, 

Japanese Restaurants:

  • Choa Restaurant Zwingerstraße 20
  • Sushi Bar SameSame Altstadt Steingasse 3
  • Min Ramen Bar Neugasse 17

What is the “Fachschaft”?

The “Fachschaft” is the student council for all Economics students. We are a group of students representing students’ interest in university committees and we organize events. The “Fachschaft” is not politically affiliated.


We organize introductory events in the beginning of the Winter semester. The events are addressed to first semester students from Bachelor´s and Master´s. You can find our program on our Instagram page #fs.vwl.heidelberg. The events include partys, hikes, breakfast, and a math introductory season for first semester students.

For those of you who missed the introductory period because of late admissions, we organize more introductory Events in November. Check out our Instagram or Econlist to receive further information.

Throughout the year, we organizes a broad rage of events such as partys at the institute “Sommerfest”, discussion sessions with professors called “Forschung am AWI”, “Glühweinverkauf” and many more.

If you want to realize your own event ideas, engage in the university councils or meet new people you can also engage yourself. The “Fachschaft” work is a voluntary engagement that helps you learn to organize events and gives you an inside into the institute.

Come by – we meet every Monday at 19.00 in room 00.010 at AWI.

First we discuss upcoming events, finances or public appearance in small groups. These smaller meet ups can be held in English. Afterwards we aggregate the information in the bigger group (in German). The meeting usually takes until 20.00. Sometimes we go for drinks afterwards.



  1. Exams in economics are always during the last week of the semester and the first week of break (1. Date) and the last week of break and the first week of the second semester (2. Date).
  2. We do not know when exams will take place. That information will be posted during the semester under: Exam Dates – Uni Heidelberg (
  3. You can choose the date that you want to participate at the examinations (It is not mandatory to participate at the first examination. It will not automatically be counted as failed. However, it is not to recommend taking all exams at the second date, since if you must retake the exam, you would have to wait an entire year).
  4. If you want to participate at an exam date you have to sign up for each class individually – The sign-up period starts about a month before the exam season and ends two to three weeks before the exams start. The exact dates can be found here: Klausuran- und -abmeldung.